South Carolina Chapter
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Article I. Name
The name of the Association shall be the South Carolina Chapter, American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, hereafter known as SCAAIDD, and is established pursuant to Bylaw VII of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Inc. The South Carolina Chapter is an affiliate of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) as well as the Southeastern Region, American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (SEAAIDD) and is subject to the Constitution and Bylaws of both these parent organizations.
Article II. Purpose
The purposes of the SCAAIDD are:
- To facilitate cooperation among professional persons engaged in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities and allied fields.
- To support the purposes set forth in the Constitutions of the SEAAIDD and the AAIDD.
Article III. Membership
All members of the SCAAIDD residing in South Carolina shall be members of the Chapter without additional assessment of membership dues or fees for the exercise of voting privileges. Members shall hold the same class of membership and voting privilege in the SCAAIDD as they hold in the AAIDD. Memberships shall be limited to members of the AAIDD. The SCAAIDD shall maintain the interdisciplinary character of the AAIDD, and shall extend the right to hold office only to members who are associates, active members of fellows of the AAIDD.
Article IV. Administration
The affairs of the SCAAIDD shall be conducted by the Executive Committee as defined in the Bylaws.
Article V. Meetings
The SCAAIDD shall have no less than one meeting in a given calendar year at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee. At least one business meeting shall be held during an annual meeting.
Article VI. Local Units
The SCAAIDD may authorize appropriate geographical local units to serve its membership.
Article VII. Amendments
Amendments to this Constitution not in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the AAIDD, as they pertain to its state chapters, may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by petition of ten or more members. Proposed amendments shall be presented at the annual business meeting and shall be come effective upon approval by three-fourths vote of the members present.
South Carolina Chapter
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Bylaw I. Purpose
The purpose of the South Carolina Chapter, American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, hereafter known as SCAAIDD, shall be accomplished by conducting meetings and conferences of those interested in the field of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, cooperating with other organizations and engaging in such other activities as authorized by the Executive Committee.
Bylaw II. Administration
- The officers of the SCAAIDD shall be the Chairperson, the Chairperson-Elect, the First Vice-Chairperson, the Immediate Past Chairperson, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
- The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the officers, the chairpersons of all standing committees, three members-at-large and the chairperson of any duly recognized local unit. The Executive Committee shall direct the business of the SCAAIDD between business meetings and shall approve all expenditures. Each member of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to only one vote. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of its members.
Bylaw III. Election of Officers and Terms of Office
- The election of officers shall be conducted by mail ballot. Election shall be made from a slate of candidates presented by the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee shall solicit recommendations for officer candidates from members of the Executive Committee and the membership at large. The Nominations Committee shall obtain the permission of each candidate before placing the name on the ballot. The Nominations Committee shall certify the election of winning candidates and report the election results to the Executive Committee. In case of a tie in an election for office, the winner shall be selected by the Executive Committee.
- Terms of office shall begin January 1st of each year for the period of time specified below. No person shall hold two elective offices
- Chairperson shall serve for a one-year term.
- The Chairperson-elect shall serve for a one-year term and immediately succeed to Chairperson.
- The First-Vice-Chairperson shall serve for a one-year term and immediately succeed to Chairperson-Elect.
- The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term.
- The three members-at-large shall be elected for a one-year term.
- The Secretary, the Treasurer, and the three members-at-large may be elected to succeed themselves for one additional term.
- Should the office of Immediate Past Chairperson become vacant, the unexpired term shall not be filled. Should the office of Chairperson become vacant between business meetings, it shall be filled by the Chairperson-elect, who shall continue in office as Chairperson until that office normally would have succeeded to the office of Immediate Past Chairperson. Should the office of Chairperson-Elect become vacant, it shall be filled by the First Vice-Chairperson, who shall continue in the office as Chairperson-Elect until that office normally would have succeeded to the office of Chairperson. Should the office of First Vice Chairperson become vacant, the Executive Committee shall elect one of the members-at-large to serve as First Vice-Chairperson, and fill the member-at-large vacancy by appointment. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the Secretary or the office of Treasurer, the Executive Committee shall appoint a member to finish the remainder of the unexpired term. Vacancies among the members-at-large shall be filled by appointees of the Executive Committee for the unexpired term.
Bylaw IV. Duties of the Officers
- The Chairperson shall preside at any business meeting of the SCAAIDD and at meetings of the Executive Committee. The Chairperson may call special meetings of the Executive Committee. The Chairperson is authorized to represent the SCAAIDD in matters of public relations. The Chairperson shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the SCAAIDD and may confer with them at any time on matters affecting the interest of the SCAAIDD. In the absence or temporary disability of the Chairperson, the duties of that office shall devolve successively upon the Chairperson-Elect, the First Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
- The Chairperson-Elect shall serve as the Program Chairperson of the annual meeting and shall appoint, immediately following the annual meeting of the SCAAIDD, such committees as are necessary to successfully conduct an annual meeting. The Chairperson-Elect shall perform other duties as prescribed by these bylaws.
- The First Vice-Chairperson shall prepare to succeed to the office of Chairperson-elect and Chairperson. This officer shall serve as Co-Chairperson of the annual meeting and perform those duties assigned by the Bylaws and the Chairperson.
- The Secretary shall keep records of the SCAAIDD and perform duties usually pertaining to the office, under the direction of the Executive Committee. The duties shall include handling correspondence of the SCAAIDD appropriate to the office and keeping the minutes of the SCAAIDDs business meetings and Executive Committee meetings. The Secretary shall keep a permanent file of current and previous operations of the office.
- The Treasurer shall receive and dispense and duly account for all sums of money belonging to the SCAAIDD and keep an accurate account of receipts and disbursements on behalf of the SCAAIDD. The Treasurer shall prepare and present annually to the Executive Committee a financial report for the preceding year and interim reports as appropriate or requested by the Executive Committee.
- The members-at-large shall represent the SCAAIDD membership on the Executive Committee and may be asked to handle individual assignments by the Chairperson during their term of office.
Bylaw V. Committees
The committees of the SCAAIDD shall be standing committees as listed in this Bylaw or special committees as the Executive Committee or the Chairperson shall establish. Their organization and function shall be provided in the Bylaws or as determined by the Executive Committee. There shall be a Nominations Committee, a Membership Committee, and a Constitution and Bylaws Committee.
- Nominations Committee shall be comprised of the two most recent available past chairpersons and three members appointed by the Chairperson of the SCAAIDD for a term of one year. The least recent of the past chairpersons shall serve as chairperson of this committee. It shall prepare a slate of candidates for the positions of elective officers for the SCAAIDD and shall present this slate to an annual business meeting of the SCAAIDD. The Nominations Committee shall be charged with the recognition of persons deserving of the awards (if suitable nominations are forthcoming in any given year), based on published criteria approved by the Executive Committee and disseminated to all active SCAAIDD members. Membership in AAIDD is desirable, but not required of nominees for all awards.Statewide Professional Service Award: Honors excellence in research, education and/or training, program management or advocacy on behalf of individuals with intelectual or other developmental disabilities. Any individual who enhances our understanding of ways to provide innovatively managed supports to, or effectively advances advocacy effort for, individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities at the state or local level may be nominated.
Student Award: Recognized student excellence in the fields of special education or psychology and service to individuals with developmental disabilities. Nominees must be enrolled as students of higher education with emphasis in the field of developmental disabilities. The award requires a minimum of 3.0 overall GPA, based on a 4.0 grading scale. The recipient will receive a $500.00 scholarship.
Self-Advocacy Award: Honors persons who have in the past or who are currently receiving supports for a developmental disability. Award criteria include membership on related committees or professional boards, conference attendance or presentations, and advocacy with state or national leaders. Nominees should be members of a self-advocacy organization. The award recipient will receive a $200.00 scholarship.
Service to the Field Award — Direct Support Professional: Recognizes excellence in education or graining of individuals with developmental disabilities. Nominees must provide direct supports to individuals with disabilities. They may be employed in any relevant setting and serve any age group.Awards should be given only if the committee feels they are justified in any given year. Nominations are solicited from members and only members can make a nomination. Self-nominations are not permitted. If no nominations are received by the committee, or if the nominations received do not merit receiving the award, then no award will be given.
- Membership Committee shall be composed of a minimum of three members. The Chairperson of the SCAAIDD shall appoint the chairperson of the committee. The other members shall be appointed by the Committee Chairperson. The term of the office shall be for one year, however, any member may serve by reappointment. The committee shall develop ways and means of promoting membership in the AAIDD in South Carolina; provide membership applications and information to prospective members; contact all nonmembers who attend annual meeting of the SCAAIDD to encourage their membership; and provide a written report of their activities to meetings of the Executive Committee and at the annual meeting of the SCAAIDD.
- Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be composed of a chairperson and two additional members. The chairperson shall be appointed by the SCAAIDD Chairperson. The other members shall be appointed by the Committee Chairperson. The term of office shall be for one year, however, any member may serve by reappointment. It shall have the responsibility to determine the need for Constitution and Bylaws revisions and for drafting the proposed revisions to be presented to the Executive Committee. The chairperson of the Committee shall maintain a current copy of SCAAIDD’s Constitution and Bylaws and shall deposit one in the files of the Secretary. The Constitution and Bylaws committee shall also perform such other functions as are assigned to it. It shall make a written report of its activities and recommendations to the Executive Committee.
- The Historian of the SCAAIDD shall be appointed by the Chairperson for a one-year term and is eligible to succeed him/herself indefinitely. The historian’s committee on SCAAIDD history shall have as members all past and current Chairpersons of the SCAAIDD available to serve.
Bylaw VI. Local Units
The Chapter shall encourage the formation of local and college chapters in accordance with the provisions of the AAIDD Bylaws related to local chapters and college chapters. A minimum of twenty-five (25) members is required to establish a local chapter and a minimum of ten (10) members and a faculty advisor, who is a member of AAIDD, to establish a college chapter.
Local and college chapters shall form their own organization, establish their own rules and conduct their affairs all in a manner to further the purposes of the AAIDD and consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the AAIDD, the SEAAIDD and the SCAAIDD. The membership of the local and college chapters shall consist of the members of the AAIDD residing in that local area or college. Local and college chapters may not charge membership dues, but may charge registration fees and subscription fees for publications generated by that local or college chapter. The chairperson of a local chapter or college chapter shall be a member of the Executive Committee of the SCAAIDD. Each local chapter or college chapter shall submit at least annually a written report of their activities to the Executive Committee, SCAAIDD, along with a financial report by January 31st of each year.
Bylaw VII. Amendments
Amendments to these Bylaws shall have been approved by the Executive Committee or petitioned by ten or more members and shall have been ratified by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at an annual business meeting of the SCAAIDD. Amendments shall be effective upon ratification.
Bylaw VIII. Quorum
At least twelve members must be present at an annual business meeting to constitute a quorum.
Bylaw IX. Parliamentary Authority
Roberts Rules of Order (Revised) shall serve as the parliamentary authority for conducting business of the SCAAIDD.
Bylaw X. Dissolution
Upon dissolution, all assets and records of the SCAAIDD shall revert to the SEAAIDD.